Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Creating another world

French theme park Futuroscope has used futuristic theming to enhance its latest 4D experience, making visitors feel as though they've entered the world of Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard.

While waiting in the queue, visitors can play interactive games and learn to write their names in Minimoy (the language spoken in Arthur's world) and measure their weight in the Minimoy way.

Jan Maarten de Raad, CEO of Jora Vision, which completed the theming, says the immersive environment adds a great deal to the experience. "Parks are increasingly looking for attractions with a built-in experience to let their visitors believe, if only for a few hours, that they have entered another world," he said.

The experience is enhanced by Kraftwerk's 4D seats, which were specially designed for the film. Features include a spiderweb launched onto visitors' faces which is pulled back as they try to grab it.

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